Add the watch you’d like to purchase to your shopping cart and select “Checkout” when you’re done shopping. Fill in the delivery address and confirm the purchase, then wait for our customer service to contact you or you can contact us directly via email [email protected]! We have a selection of watches in stock that can be delivered in just 1-2 days. In other cases, the watch is brought to us first and then shipped from our Guangzhou, China address to your pick-up location, where it can be received within 4-8 non-holiday working days after ordering.

Our company is in Guangzhou, China, selling tens of thousands of high-precision replica watches: Rolex replicas, Breitling replicas, Omega replicas and Panerai replicas. If you are not satisfied with an item you have full rights of return as long as you notify us within 24 hours and the item is in the same condition as when it was sent.

If you have any questions, you can contact us through our email [email protected] and we will reply to you as soon as possible.